I'm always amazed at how friendships evolve over time. My friend Marsha and I met in Jr. High, and remained good friends through High School. But as she went away to school, and I stayed locally, we drifted apart in our day-to-day interaction. For some reason however, we ALWAYS met up at Christmas time to do our holiday shopping together. One year, we decided to do our Christmas baking together instead of shopping, and the tradition has stuck.
This year while coming home from a road trip together (during which this happened) we started talking about our plans for this year's holiday goodies.
There was one cookie in particular that was causing us concern. One that we make (and that is a favorite) is a mini Snickers wrapped in chocolate chip cookie dough and then baked. It's a crowd pleaser for sure, but is most definitely NOT upscale. So we thought to ourselves, we could make a layered cookie incorporating all of the snicker elements. And that is how it came to be that last weekend Marsha was standing at my stove stirring a batch of caramel.

And that this layered beauty came to be:

The layers look amazing, the elements are all there, the ingredients have been elevated. This was to be our signature cookie, known forever after as the "Turtle Dove!"
The only problem with this little cookie? Put simply, it's inedible!!!
The chocolate layer oozes, the crust crumbles apart upon cutting, and the caramel is so thick that you could break a tooth!
Test kitchen #2 is yet to be scheduled, but we have some ideas for improvements.
I had another failed experiment. Although not as drastic as the "turtle doves". I seem to have a lot of those lately...